But the documents disclosed today give a partial picture of the unusual way in which the issue was handled.
"The unpublished documents might well disclose positive aspects of church conduct."
The document itself, in other words, discloses the obligations.
The main excuse for the Commission's refusal is that the information and documents requested would disclose sensitive personal data.
Documents have also disclosed that the "ballroom" was added in the 1790's, more than 25 years before Lafayette's arrival.
What 92,000 classified documents disclose about the Taliban's strength and American security.
In the 1982 Archives deal, for example, documents disclosed that the partnership had $40 million in bank credit.
Thus the documents disclosed today reflect the status of the case only as of Oct. 30.
Documents disclosed weaknesses, later used to improve Japan's anti-submarine warfare.
Your business correspondence and documents (including documents in hard copy, electronic or any other form) must also disclose the company's name.