Sejeli is an administrative ward in the Kongwa district of the Dodoma Region of Tanzania.
Burunge is an Afro-Asiatic language spoken in Tanzania in the Dodoma Region.
Mpwapwa is one of the 5 districts of the Dodoma Region of Tanzania.
Kondoa District is one of the five districts of the Dodoma Region of Tanzania.
Kolo is an administrative ward in the Kondoa district of the Dodoma Region of Tanzania.
The language is spoken throughout Dodoma Region and into the neighbouring district of Manyoni.
Mpwapwa is a market town, in the Dodoma Region of Tanzania.
Massa is an administrative ward in the Mpwapwa district of the Dodoma Region of Tanzania.
Handali is an administrative ward in the Chamwino district of the Dodoma Region of Tanzania.
Which job he held until he was appointed as the Regional Commissioner for the Dodoma Region in 2009.
Sejeli is an administrative ward in the Kongwa district of the Dodoma Region of Tanzania.
Burunge is an Afro-Asiatic language spoken in Tanzania in the Dodoma Region.
Mpwapwa is one of the 5 districts of the Dodoma Region of Tanzania.
Kondoa District is one of the five districts of the Dodoma Region of Tanzania.
Kolo is an administrative ward in the Kondoa district of the Dodoma Region of Tanzania.
The language is spoken throughout Dodoma Region and into the neighbouring district of Manyoni.
Mpwapwa is a market town, in the Dodoma Region of Tanzania.
Massa is an administrative ward in the Mpwapwa district of the Dodoma Region of Tanzania.
Handali is an administrative ward in the Chamwino district of the Dodoma Region of Tanzania.
Which job he held until he was appointed as the Regional Commissioner for the Dodoma Region in 2009.