The nonprofit Doe Fund got the $180 million, 22-year contract.
Rents paid by the 73 Doe Fund building residents will be $75 a week each, for a yearly grand total of $284,700.
The shelter is run by the Doe Fund, a nonprofit group.
The Doe Fund used $5.5 million in private and public funds for the Sharp house.
The men, 150 in all, are required to live in two residences run by the Doe Fund.
Five years ago, when the Doe Fund started its street-cleaning program, it counted on only 60 donors.
The building is being renovated by the Doe Fund, which provides services to homeless people.
Within six months, the two were married and subsequently established further Doe Fund initiatives together.
But now, the Doe Fund, a nonprofit organization for helping the homeless, is finally free to start building.
One partner is the Doe Fund, which operates a program that offers housing and job opportunities to 59 residents.