The Dole plan, of course, includes more than just tax cuts.
Another stain on the Dole plan is its unfairness.
But the Dole plan left many analysts questioning the economic and political assumptions underlying it.
"There's a period of evolution going on as to what the Dole economic plan would be," one aide said.
The Dole plan starts with a 15 percent tax cut for working Americans.
That's how the Dole plan will cut your taxes 15 percent.
The Dole plan will reduce this to $1,783 billion - but that's still 13.9 percent more than in 1996.
Under the Dole plan, net spending on other programs rises from $584 billion to $664 billion, or 4.6 percent.
But beyond any immediate political appeal, the Dole plan, his advisers said, is intended to improve the nation's capacity for economic growth.
What's more, even fans of vouchers raise questions about the Dole plan.