Like many people in this mostly Dominican neighborhood, she buys them over the counter at local bodegas, no prescription needed.
He was quiet, his friends said, and was well-liked in the heavily Dominican neighborhood.
The schools will offer health care, counseling, adult education and recreational activities to a largely Dominican neighborhood that is one of the city's roughest.
Merengue, after all, is the far more popular music in Washington Heights, a largely Dominican neighborhood.
In Washington Heights, a heavily Dominican neighborhood, 62 percent of residents responded.
Such indifference amounts to a marked improvement in the relationship between the society and the largely Dominican neighborhood that surrounds it.
The businesses along the streets in this heavily Dominican neighborhood have a unique rhythm, one governed by the frequency of the trains overhead.
In addition, each room is painted a single color, with all of the colors derived from the predominantly Dominican neighborhood.
Like many boys in that heavily Dominican neighborhood, he is passionate about baseball, cradling his glove like a kitten in his hand.
As he sat in the clubhouse that day, Diaz recalled some of his early years growing up in a primarily Dominican neighborhood in Chicago.