The plant is currently owned and operated by Dominion Resources, of Richmond, Virginia.
On October 22, 2012 Dominion Resources announced they would shut down and decommission the plant in Mid-2013.
Consolidated has agreed to a $6.3 billion deal with Dominion Resources.
In 1996, the company was bought by Dominion Resources for £1.3bn in December 1996.
But Dominion Resources, based in Virginia, made an unsolicited offer last week for $686 million.
Dominion Resources is also assuming Consolidated's debt of $2.15 billion.
Based on the $1.3 billion price Dominion Resources of Virginia paid for Millstone, that assessment could have dropped to just more than $900 million.
The terminal is owned by Dominion Resources.
Dominion Resources deliberately keeps itself cash poor.
First Energy's yield is about 5 percent and Dominion Resources' is about 7 percent.