As a result, he was asked to appear on the Donahue show.
When people in the audience at the Donahue show called for the three to produce evidence that would back their allegations, they did not.
He, in turn, had sought publicity for his machine in newspaper interviews and on the "Donahue" show.
I don't pay particular attention to what people think on the "Donahue" show.
Least Interesting Debates Mr. Clinton might have changed some people's minds with yesterday's discussion of his character and policy issues on the "Donahue" show.
He will appear on the "Donahue" show today.
(The Rev. Abernathy was next seen, fittingly, on the Donahue show.)
Which was to say, either an actor in a TV soap opera or a guest on the Donahue show.
I asked him what his particular Donahue show had been about.
The support group for lottery winners had been contacted by the Donahue show and now the worst-case guests had been chosen.