In the Dover trial, the judge found that intelligent design features no scientific research or testing.
Four days after the six-week Dover trial concluded, all eight of the Dover school board members who were up for reelection were voted out of office.
The judge in the Dover trial specifically referred to Pandas in his decision, stating:
It is also called the Dover trial, because it happened in Dover, Pennsylvania.
ID is a trojan horse, and the Dover trial displayed that beyond the shadow of a doubt.
In the Dover trial an expert witness for the plaintiffs, Ken Miller, demonstrated this possibility using Behe's mousetrap analogy.
He said he considered opening the Dover trial to television cameras because of "a bias in favor of disclosure."
Most were rejected in the light of the ruling in Dover trial out of what has been called the "Dover-effect."
We saw in the Dover trial why I.D. is bad science.
In the Dover trial, where intelligent design finally got its day in court, the movement faces perhaps the greatest potential for a serious setback.