The Dow Jones industrial average surged 53.42 points, to 8,174.53.
The Dow Jones industrial average surged 108.70 points, or 1.4 percent.
The Dow Jones industrial average surged 40.97 points, to 2,706.79.
The Dow Jones industrial average surged 103.52 points to close at 6,961.63.
The Dow Jones industrial average surged 41.60 points, to 2,645.08.
The Dow Jones industrial average surged 100.43 points, or 1.29 percent, to close at a record 7,895.81.
The Dow Jones industrial average surged 52.02 points, to a record 5,459.61.
In reaction to the report, the Dow Jones industrial average surged more than 130 points, or 2 percent.
The Dow Jones industrial average surged another 27.90 points and closed at a record 2,567.44.
The Dow Jones industrial average surged 140.54 points, or 1.44 percent to 9,884.78.