Likewise, The Jam's "Dreams of Children" had featured the same "Taxman" bassline, played then as a lead guitar riff.
Dream a Dream also featured on the album Prelude, a 'best of' album by Charlotte Church, released in 2002.
An idiosyncratic album, Kaleidoscope Dream features sparse production, eccentric details, thick bass lines, buzzing synthesizers, and hazy, reverbed sounds.
Dreams To Remember: The Legacy of Otis Redding featured 16 full-length performances and 40 minutes of new interviews documenting his life and career.
The Dream, unlike their last album, features more use of clean vocals and harmonization rather than Maria Brink's high-pitched screams.
Receiving significant airplay during the annual Christmas season, "Wonderful Dream" has consistently featured in the December singles charts in Germany ever since.
"American Dream", considered a rock anthem, features an arena rock sound.
The Dreams We Have as Children features classic and rare tracks from the Oasis canon along with several cover versions of some of Gallagher's favourite artists.
Common Dreams has featured original articles by the following authors:
"Dream of the Invisibles" features poetry and an original score illustrating young immigrants' feelings of both belonging and not belonging in their adopted country.