He is buried at Arlington Cemetery in Drexel Hill.
Meehan, his wife Carolyn and their three sons live in Drexel Hill, Pennsylvania.
He was 87 years old and lived in Drexel Hill, Pa.
William lives in Drexel Hill, but tells people he lives in Haverford.
Drexel Hill is located within the area claimed by the Swedish colony of New Sweden.
Several bus lines also operate via Drexel Hill, including routes 107, 110, 111, 115 and 122.
Well-known children's author Lloyd Alexander also lived in Drexel Hill with his wife and several cats.
Still Motion is a 3-piece rock and roll band from Drexel Hill, Pennsylvania.
The school is located in the middle of a residential area of Drexel Hill.
It is adjacent to Drexel Hill.