Kwan then goes to take a drink of water, and sees blood in the drinking gourd.
He carries a stout staff with a drinking gourd attached.
Follow the drinking gourd, For the old man is waiting for to carry you to freedom.
Rega lifted the man's head, and held the drinking gourd to his lips.
The old man was marching along, wrapped in his own world, humming a song about following a drinking gourd.
North they drove, with the Drinking Gourd hanging in the sky before them.
This figuration appears to be derived originally from Africa, where it was sometimes seen as a drinking gourd.
In the 19th century, runaway slaves would "follow the Drinking Gourd" to the north and freedom.
Dipping water into his hat with the drinking gourd, he held it for his grateful horse.
She held him off with one hand while she held a drinking gourd with the other.