She is also a freelance journalist of wine articles to various publications, and the co-author of several wine books in the For Dummies series.
Mark has written and published three books, including one in the "For Dummies" series and "God on the Internet."
White Papers for Dummies, part of the For Dummies series.
He also authored a book for the popular "For Dummies" series about local online advertising.
Wiley is suing twenty-seven people for illegal distribution of content from books in its "For Dummies" series.
There are said to be 19 million books in print of the "Dummies" series.
The book, priced at $34.99, is published by Hungry Minds, the same company that does the "Dummies" series of how-to books.
He has filled his 382-page addition to the yellow-cover "For Dummies" series with the kind of razzle dazzle he brought to the Met a generation ago.
John Wiley & Sons, a textbook publisher that also issues the "Dummies" series, employs three full-time staff members to trawl for unauthorized copies.
IDG publishes the popular "For Dummies" series of how-to books.