The church is located at the corner of Avenue Road and Dupont Street.
Kurt took two steps toward him, but Davey was away, under the chain link fence and over the edge of the hill leading down to Dupont Street.
There are also several small businesses located along Dupont Street.
Spadina Road is interrupted just north of Dupont Street by an escarpment, Davenport Hill.
The C1915 photo is a view of the Donovan District taken from the rocky hill overlooking Dupont Street (1928).
He turned down Dupont Street and I saw him no more until we met in the Auburn ravine.
Classes start tomorrow at 97 Dupont Street, near Manhattan Avenue, in Brooklyn.
Dupont Street is less than half a mile from the Derry Municipal Golf Course.
It is located in a residential neighbourhood near the intersection of Avenue Road and Dupont Street.
It is located on Spadina Road at 278 Dupont Street.