Rudolf Lucieer (born 10 November 1942) is a Dutch actor.
Jules Croiset (born 9 October 1937) is a Dutch actor.
Kees Brusse (born 26 February 1925) is a Dutch actor and film director.
Walid Benmbarek (born 25 January 1980) is a Dutch actor.
The most famous person by this name is Sacco van der Made, a Dutch actor.
Her companion since 1980 was Robert Wolders, a Dutch actor.
Coincidently she was working with another Dutch actor, Derek de Lint.
Lots of families with little children live there and famous Dutch actors and writers.
Philippe Brenninkmeyer (born 3 November 1964) is a Dutch actor.
Their mentor, the director of the mission, is played by a Dutch actor, Jeroen Krabbe.