A year later the VOC built a new town named "Batavia" to honor Batavieren, the Dutch ancestors.
Right here, doubtless, his Dutch ancestor had come ashore some three hundred years ago.
Their Dutch ancestors, who used the same techniques to acquire Manhattan and Staten Island, bought the land from local Indians in 1730.
"Either people will run right by, or stop and be interested," said Anna Vietor, whose Dutch ancestors arrived in the Hudson Valley in 1642.
Most of them have Dutch, German, French Huguenot, ancestors.
Her parents emigrated to the US from Trinidad; she has spoken of Chinese, Indian, African, and Dutch ancestors.
A proud bone structure, dawn-gray eyes and a stubborn chin, a blending of her Scottish and Dutch ancestors.
Van der Zant has Dutch ancestors.
Van's agricultural credentials traced back to his Dutch ancestors, and also practices his grandfather had which were not accepted at the time but Van was promoting now.
An historical prequel about one of Charlie's Dutch ancestors.