You will not find many major failures among Dutch investors in this country.
The stock offering is to Dutch investors and institutional investors worldwide.
Dutch investors, who can buy two new shares for every three they already own, endorsed the offering, but some still expressed reservations.
And it was Amsterdam where Dutch investors directed funds abroad at the time.
The stake is to be sold for 1.12 billion guilders, about $691 million, to Dutch institutional investors.
Dutch investors held most of the road's stock, and forced Litchfield to allow a receiver to manage the system.
The two banks eventually settled with the Dutch investor and took over the building.
The offer is open to Dutch and foreign investors.
Dutch investors, including World Online staff who took up loans from the company to buy shares, were outraged.
"We have had very friendly relations with the Dutch investor who showed much confidence in us at a formative part of our development," he said.