E-mail list for those suffering from high blood pressure/hypertension who are looking for others suffering from the same situation.
Netscape adopted the "Bad Attitude" concept from Silicon Graphics Inc., which has an internal E-mail list of the same name.
Jane White, a Tottenham Hotspur fan, runs one of several E-mail lists dedicated to that team, based in London.
E-mail lists have allowed individuals to create groups that defy geography and time.
E-mail list for women who are supporting each other after a postpartum hemorrhage and hysterectomy.
When we change headliners, we have an E-mail list that we notify.
It publishes all airlines' weekly Web specials and will send E-mail lists of them, customized to the traveler's requirements.
He had no system for organizing computer files, and his E-mail list had grown to 500 messages, including 100 he had never read.
That is why big airlines have taken to selling last-minute tickets through E-mail lists and have agreed to participate in the new Priceline auction.