The project was financed with nearly $4 million in grants from the E-rate program of the United States government.
You quote an opponent of the E-rate program who cynically calls it "pork barrel."
The fraud involved the so-called E-rate program, which pays subsidies of 20 percent to 90 percent for services for schools, like wiring classrooms.
But compared to other components of the Universal Service Fund, the E-rate program is doing pretty well.
OnSat placed its participation in the federal E-rate program in grave jeopardy.
The E-rate program grew out of the sweeping 1996 legislation that rewrote the nation's 62-year-old communications law.
The other third, $2.25 billion a year, is earmarked for the E-rate program.
Improved auditing of particularly the E-rate program has been addressed.
His E-rate program has helped schools and libraries across the country connect to the Internet.
Under the E-rate program, some $4 billion has been distributed to schools and libraries over the last three years, subsidized by a fee on long-distance phone bills.