Excitatory phenomena, and epileptiform movements and EEG activity may be observed during induction.
These procedures may induce normal or abnormal EEG activity that might not otherwise be seen.
The temporal evolution of resting state networks is correlated with fluctuations of oscillatory EEG activity in different frequency bands.
During meditation there is a modest increase in slow alpha or theta wave EEG activity.
Additionally, the intensity of emotions was differentiated by the pattern of overall frontal EEG activity.
Waking consciousness is associated with low amplitude, irregular EEG activity in the 20-70 Hz range.
You can control waves with EEG activity," Bakay says, "but you can't get refined signals.
Some brain dead individuals have continuing EEG activity and others maintain normal or near-normal body temperature, implying continuing hypothalamic function.
During the test, data such as the patient's brain waves, EEG, muscle activity, and eye movements are monitored and recorded.
EEG activity from 36 to 44 Hz is also referred to as gamma.