After the vehicle has been secured and access gained to the patient, the EMS team then enters to perform more detailed medical care.
The high-decibel alarm on the door screamed as the EMS team clattered up the stairs and entered the courtroom.
Let me take a look at her, please,' I finally said to the EMS team, a man and a woman in their twenties.
Over 90 collegiate EMS teams from around the country were in attendance.
Since most EMS teams are small and suffer high turnover, retaining qualified personnel can be difficult.
Kids were still scattered all over the lawn, obviously in shock, some being attended to by EMS teams.
An EMS team, which had fortunately been at the morgue, was already there.
An EMS team came running, two techs lugging equipment.
Two cops and an EMS team were leaning over the victim.
An EMS team was already on the scene in San Leandro.