EPA Region 10 has awarded $1.6 million in funds for CARE projects since 2005.
The Agency also issued a memorandum to EPA Regions, describing the purpose and intended use of the tools.
For more information, please see EPA Region 9's website.
Solar panels and green roof trays installed on the EPA Region 8 office building in Denver.
A letter was sent to the EPA Regions and state permitting authorities to encourage the further use of this provision.
This document includes a sample letter and attachment that was sent to EPA Region 1 and the state of Alabama.
EPA Regions Click a map to find regional water information.
Comments and questions may be submitted to EPA Region 9 staff by completing the online form.
EPA Region 8 is responsible for clean and safe surface water and ground water.
EPA Region 8 has been working closely with the Libby community to clean up contamination and reduce risks to human health.