It is also uncertain whether tests conducted under current EPA guidelines will detect subtle deficits in key human skills such as reading.
Furthermore, EPA guidelines for a general developmental toxicity screening test typically examine only crude toxicological endpoints such as death, body weight, or organ dysfunction.
Officials stated that the landfill would be an excellent facility that would exceed the current Department of Health regulations and recently published EPA guidelines.
The company that wishes to register the pesticide must provide data from various test that are done using EPA guidelines.
The report will also inform efforts underway to revise and update EPA 2004 guidelines for water reuse.
In order to remediate a site, a party must comply with both state and EPA guidelines.
Under WHO and EPA guidelines, noise exposure at that level is limited to 1.5 minutes.
EPA guidelines regarding proper wash water reuse, industrial pollution and property cleaning practices are accounted for in the design of Riveer products.
EPA guidelines are applied in conducting the investigation and remedial actions within the program.
Seven other species of duck were studied and found to have levels of mercury below EPA guidelines, thus being determined safe to eat.