Behind them there is an EU flag attached to the wall with national flags above it.
Many beaches now fly the blue EU flag, which means that water quality and general sanitation meets environmental standards established by the European Union.
The rear number plate latterly featured a large EU flag without a country code.
Behind them there is an EU flag attached to the wall with national flags in rows each side of it.
The coat of arms bears a white pigeon that brings an olive branch to a flaming globe, with EU flag as a background.
Plates starting with JDA-001 have the EU flag on them.
Could you even imagine the EU flag flying outside Westminster?
We are beginning to see now an increase in aircraft registered outside the EU similar to the maritime sector' s flag of convenience.
On the other hand, we do not support the amendments under which the EU flag or the value in Euro should appear on stamps.
The Vouliagmeni beaches are consistently awarded the coveted EU blue flags for environmental excellence.