This means that your declarations will be due 21 days after the end of the month in which you have EU trade to declare.
We will also be monitoring the value of your EU trade and will write to you from time to time to check that our records agree.
If you have no EU trade during a particular period the law does not require you to submit a 'nil' return.
Norway to EU trade amounted to €91.85 billion in 2008, primarily energy supplies (only 14.1% is manufactured products).
However, in many cases EU trade is reported from the company's head office, with no indication of which regional branch actually manufactured or processed the goods.
Beyond rural development, the report also addresses issues related to EU trade and agricultural policy.
If it had been, the figures - the volume of EU trade with those countries - would be far higher than they are today.
The German economy contracted 5% and EU trade much more so.
It is one of the key EU trade and development policy instruments to assist developing countries to reduce poverty by generating revenue through international trade.
Detailed statistics on EU trade with Cuba are not available.