However, the pilots of the three Eagle Squadrons wanted to stay together.
Eventually, a total of three Eagle Squadrons formed and were numbered 71, 121, and 133, respectively.
They were formed into "Eagle Squadrons", and would serve in the Battle of Britain.
"Eight jockeys in Eagle Squadron won't buy that."
One of them had been with Eagle Squadron during the Battle of Britain.
No. 71 Squadron was one of the three Eagle squadrons made of volunteer American pilots.
But Melanie and Sonny had been his classmates in the top-rated Eagle Squadron.
The Dieppe Raid was the only occasion that all three Eagle Squadrons saw action operating together.
Later, Rafe shocks Evelyn by saying that he has joined the Eagle Squadron and is leaving the next day.
Goodbye and thank you Eagle Squadrons, numbers 71, 121 and 133, and good hunting to you.