Some people simply don't believe that the Earth is undergoing a global warming trend or climate change.
The two novels feature common characters in a future where Earth has undergone ecological collapse.
Resonance of Fate takes place in the distant future where Earth has undergone a drastic change in the environment.
Earth has undergone periodic climate shifts in the past, including four major ice ages.
Over the past century, the Earth has undergone a change in temperature that cannot be accounted for by accompanying changes in solar activity.
The planned festivities are interrupted by the Inhumans not understanding what Earth has undergone.
The Earth he comes back to, however, has undergone a devastating social upheaval.
Earth was undergoing its first dataflow revolution; information had become as important as raw materials and manufacturing potential.
The Earth has undergone tremendous change in the past and is experiencing similar change now.
Evidence does suggest that the Earth underwent a number of glaciations during the Neoproterozoic.