It is also believed that Mars once had a Earth-like environment early in its history.
Each asteroid was designed to represent an Earth-like environment.
After all, terraforming techniques were being used on far-off worlds to transform them into Earth-like environments.
Because an Earth-like environment is created within a spacesuit, it allows you to walk around in space in relative safety.
It is theorized that this disease, which affects only children, is somehow caused by the lack of an Earth-like environment.
These linear features later proved to be an optical illusion, and the atmosphere was found to be too thin to support an Earth-like environment.
These colonies would offer an Earth-like environment but with vastly higher productivity for industry and agriculture.
Before radio observations in the 1960s, many believed that Venus contained a lush, Earth-like environment.
We needed a place with a completely Earth-like environment, for various reasons, but we haven't isolated ourselves.
Among the details was how to provide the inhabitants of a space colony with an Earth-like environment.