During the peak of activity in the early 1960s some 240 people worked at the complex, while the rockets were built in nearby East Cowes.
By the mid-1990s, over 60% of the world's production of turboprop nacelles took place in the East Cowes works.
The settlement of Shamblord at East Cowes was first recorded in 1303.
East Cowes is linked to the mainland by Red Funnel's vehicle ferry service.
This also includes a unique opportunity to make East Cowes better and creating better investment for businesses alike.
It lies to the east of East Cowes.
It is located two kilometres south of East Cowes in the north of the Island.
The fort built in East Cowes is believed to have been similar but was abandoned c1546 and since destroyed.
Cowes and East Cowes became a single urban district in 1933.
The Trust's head office is located in East Cowes.