This place is located at 46.0000 North latitude and 24.2833 East longitude.
The satellite will stay at 102 East longitude.
The treaty puts it at 5 East longitude, and 62 North latitude.
It lies approximately between 91 30' to 92 40' East longitudes and 26 54' to 28 01' North latitudes.
It lies on 124"32' East longitude and 7"11.5' North latitude.
Karamsad is situated at 220 North latitude and 720 East longitude.
Located at 22*20' North latitude and 82*42' East longitude, with a height of 304.8 meter.
Khangabok lies between 24-55 North latitudes and 94-98 East longitudes.
Upon entering service it replaced Intelsat 8 at 166 East Longitude.
The islands extends from 6 to 14 North latitudes and from 92 to 94 East longitudes.