This promised one higher card, and after the dummy followed with the four, both East players had difficulty deciphering it.
However, in this game all the East players were novices, and could not be expected to cope with the signal-count-hold-up situation.
One East player put up the ace and returned the suit in the hope that his partner could ruff.
When practice was over, the East players wasted little time leaving the building.
The red 10's were both a concern for the East players in defending a slam.
Patrick Ewing played a big part in the victory, which was worth $5,000 to each East player.
Both East players returned the diamond six, won with the queen in the closed hand.
Both East players opened with a weak two-heart bid.
Both East players thought that a six-card heart holding justified a penalty double, but it was a close thing.
Both East players took the ace and shifted to a trump.