While President Gorbachev and some Western leaders may reject explicit linkage of the Baltic question to other East-West issues, linkage exists as a political reality.
He worked for a number of institutes that dealt with East-West issues, incl.
Neither the United States nor other members of the group have shown much interest in transforming this body into a political forum for managing East-West issues.
Jasper Kim is an expert in contemporary East-West issues and trends from a socio-economic and legal (interdisciplinary) perspective.
"These are not simple East-West issues: they concern every state here represented," he said.
The war reflects many levels of hostility that have nothing to do with East-West issues.
The Soviet Union called for world condemnation of the United States military strike in Panama today while stressing that it was not necessarily an East-West issue.
Abrams, a lawyer now in private practice, also cites what he calls "the decline of these internal conflicts as an East-West issue."
Major East-West issues and internal matters concerning the impending unification of Germany were resolved during July and August.
In short, it needs to hammer out an Allied consensus on the full range of East-West issues.