To the north and south of the Ebro valley, where the elevation rises to above sea level, the temperature drops by two degrees.
- the economic system at work in the town and the Ebro valley.
Their presence is related to the marine origin of the Ebro valley and the extensive marine deposits in the same.
Basque cuisine is influenced by the abundance of produce from the sea on one side and the fertile Ebro valley on the other.
The Celtiberian group of central Spain and the upper Ebro valley.
It covers part of the Ebro valley towards its north and the Iberian Range in the south.
In the Ebro valley, more fully Neolithic sites are found.
This culture starts to expand to the nearby areas, embracing the northern region of the Levante and the upper Ebro valley.
Significantly large numbers of Mozarabs settled in the Ebro valley.
Cave, cist and urn field burials were rare, the latter are only found in two sites at the Ebro valley.