And, according to the Economic Policy Institute, 14 million people are working for $7 an hour or less.
Average wealth of the top 1 percent was almost $14 million in 2009, according to a 2011 report from the Economic Policy Institute.
A study released by the Economic Policy Institute, a liberal group, said six million workers would lose coverage.
She became a research associate at the Economic Policy Institute in 1994.
The Economic Policy Institute also takes contributions from labor unions.
Another measure of opposition was sounded at a news conference here by the Economic Policy Institute.
He is a former director of publications for the Economic Policy Institute in Washington.
The study by the Economic Policy Institute will provide ammunition to the other side.
If the economy remains on the present course of job recovery we won't get back to those levels until 2019, according to the Economic Policy Institute.
According to an analysis by the nonpartisan Economic Policy Institute, this legislation will cost more than 800,000 private and public jobs.