The publisher of The Economist magazine paid $115 million for the daily paper, which has been publishing since 1827.
The Economist magazine called him "the high priest of the loyalty cult" in 2001.
The Economist magazine regularly provides such a snapshot as well, for a broad range of countries (a recent example is provided here).
The Economist magazine predicted that inflation could recede to a civilized 2 to 3 percent a month by the end of 1995.
The Economist magazine had a writer there with others on a guided tour in April.
The good news was that he made the worldwide cover of The Economist magazine.
The Economist magazine gathered much of the recent research on social mobility in America.
Before that, he was the editor of The Economist magazine for 11 years.
Perhaps an article in this week's Economist magazine gives a clue.
The book was named one of the year's best by The Economist magazine.