In 2003 the Edinburgh Journal of Botany published a festschrift for his 90th birthday, including numerous contributions from friends and colleagues scattered throughout the world.
From the Edinburgh Journal of Natural and Geographical Science, Vol.
Also published in Edinburgh Journal of Science 10:1-17 from the Biodiversity Heritage Library.
The Garden produces the Edinburgh Journal of Botany, which publishes research on plant taxonomy and other botanical sciences.
Edinburgh Journal of Botany 57 (1): 71-81.
Edinburgh Journal of Botany 57 (1): 83-105.
Chambers's Edinburgh Journal described exhibitors at the National Institution as ".
The sketch was reproduced in Chambers's (Edinburgh) Journal for 7 March 1841.
Edinburgh Journal of Botany 64 (1): 107-112.
Chambers's Edinburgh Journal was a weekly 16-page magazine started by William Chambers in 1832.