He headed the Egyptian Islamist organization from 1972 until 1986.
A coalition of Egyptian organizations has sued the government, demanding the right to act as monitors at polling places.
The Egyptian Organization for Human Rights documented 30 cases of torture during the year 2009.
The sheik is the spiritual leader of the Islamic Group, a militant Egyptian organization.
This novel was published at the start of 1998 by the Egyptian organization of the Department of Culture.
The Egyptian Organization for Human Rights reported that as many as 200 political activists and students were detained.
This description given by the owner was confirmed by the Egyptian Organization for Human Rights.
The fatwa was subsequently withdrawn after the intervention of the Egyptian Organization for Human Rights.
The Egyptian Marxist Organisation was a communist group in Egypt.
The Egyptian Organisation for Human Rights has documented 567 cases of torture, including 167 deaths, by police that occurred between 1993 and 2007.