Egyptian documents on Mr. Abouhalima's interrogation have not been made public.
Two Egyptian documents record the names of the kings of Egypt, but they do not divide them into dynasties.
Homosexuality was only occasionally referred to in Egyptian documents, sometimes in myths of certain gods, implying that it was not considered a normal relationship.
This process facilitates the publication of texts where the inclusion of photographs or drawings of an actual Egyptian document is impractical.
Egyptian documents says that a soap-like substance was used in the preparation of wool for weaving.
This is the last known reference to the Apiru in Egyptian documents.
The Petri Papyrus is an ancient Egyptian document.
Ancient Egyptian documents describe empirical methods in astronomy, mathematics, and medicine.
The Amarna letters, an Egyptian document which mentions the Shardana people.
It is the most extensive ancient Egyptian mathematical document known to historians.