Assange has to be angry that the Egyptian protests have led him to having to share the spotlight with others.
This was inspired by the 2011 Egyptian protests, where the government shut down internet and phone access to its citizens.
During the 2011 Egyptian protests he was appointed minister of culture.
The constitution and the manner in which it was adopted have been one focus of the 2012 Egyptian protests.
When the 2011 Egyptian protests began, Clinton was in the forefront of the administration's response.
The 2011 Egyptian protests posed the biggest foreign policy crisis for the administration yet.
During the 2011 Egyptian protests he announced his return to the country.
The 2011 Egyptian protests resulted in increased criticism of Hawass.
Facebook was blocked for a few days in Egypt during the 2011 Egyptian protests.
The front issued three demands to Morsi during the 2012 Egyptian protests.