Yosri Fouda was born 38 years ago in an Egyptian village, the son of a doctor.
Best Documentary "for its unique treatment in dealing with the Egyptian village and its problems.
A Maltese visitor riding a donkey through an Egyptian village hears what he considers beautiful music and asks his dragoman the source.
Certainly it is the only Egyptian village I know where the houses are placed so far apart.
Hippothoos, assuming Anthia is dead, sets out to sack and conquer the Egyptian village of Areia.
Randomised double-blinded trial evaluating silymarin for chronic hepatitis C in an Egyptian village: study description and 12-month results.
Imam was born to a poor family in the Egyptian village of Abul Numrus in Giza.
The Stone was discovered in 1799 in a small Egyptian village called Rosetta, which gave the name to the stone.
Lisht or el-Lisht is an Egyptian village located south of Cairo.
The theory of its existence is based on archeological evidence of an Egyptian village near Dier El Medina.