After the world war, he raised money to establish the Einstein Observatory in Potsdam, becoming its first director and working alongside Einstein.
A reference to data collected by the Einstein Observatory (version 2)
ULXs were first discovered in the 1980s by the Einstein Observatory.
WR 46 is a known source of X-rays , an aspect that was discovered by the Einstein Observatory .
The team ultimately designed the mirrors for the Einstein Observatory, Chandra's predecessor, which launched in 1978 and represented a several hundredfold improvement in resolution.
Seconds later the Vela satellites, Prognoz 7, and the Einstein Observatory in orbit around Earth were inundated.
Super soft X-ray sources were first discovered by the Einstein Observatory.
The star was discovered by the Einstein Observatory.
X-ray astronomers lost the Einstein Observatory and the British Ariel VI satellite.
The X-ray satellite Exosat should have been launched in 1977, before the more-sophisticated Einstein Observatory.