A survey by Eisner Communications in Baltimore found that 10.6 percent of respondents said they would watch the Super Bowl just to see the commercials.
Eisner Communications in Baltimore is the US Airways agency.
The decision came after an emergency review prompted by the unexpected closing last month of Eisner Communications, Baltimore, which had handled the account since 2001.
Eisner Communications, Baltimore, had created campaigns for the premerger US Airways.
Eisner Communications, was named the agency to handle two accounts, with combined billings estimated at $10 million.
Eisner Communications in Baltimore won for agencies with billings of $30 million to $300 million.
The tongue-in-cheek campaign, created by Eisner Communications in Baltimore, is part of a marketing effort valued at $13.5 million.
The account had been handled for six years by Eisner Communications in Baltimore.
The campaign was created by Eisner Communications in Baltimore.
Eisner Communications in Baltimore is expanding through an acquisition and the formation of two divisions.