Elbow Cay offers mostly private homes for rent.
Climb the 101 steps to the top for fantastic views over the whole of Elbow Cay.
Elbow Cay suffered significant damage in 1999 from Hurricane Floyd.
There is no fresh water on Elbow Cay, and everything eaten and drunk here has to be shipped in.
Then, two years ago, Elbow Cay was battered by Hurricane Floyd.
Like everyone else on Elbow Cay, Froggie has to double up jobs.
We didn't learn the term until midway through our week on Elbow Cay.
Fortunately, the water was warm and so were the winds, and soon we could see the red-and-white-striped lighthouse that is Elbow Cay's most famous landmark.
On 5 February 1967, she rescued two Cuban refugees from Elbow Cay.
Colonial Hope Town on Elbow Cay is like a model village: one function, one building.