This attractive hardwood conservatory has a steep pitched roof that blends in well with the gabled Elizabethan building behind.
This medieval and Elizabethan highest-listed building is open for film shoots, board meetings and has Victorian gardens.
Plans were then put in place for a new Shire Hall to replace the Elizabethan building, which was completed in 1802.
The original Elizabethan building was demolished in 1819 and replaced by the present Victorian house.
Across the courtyard lies an Elizabethan building, believed to be the original farmhouse.
Beside them is the Turret House, an Elizabethan building, which may have been built to accommodate the captive queen.
The Elizabethan building that now occupies the site has obliterated all but a few traces of the medieval castle.
Every feature in the house had to have an exact model in an existing Elizabethan building.
Brinkmarsh Farm, now (quite recently) demolished was a fine Elizabethan building with ball finials.
Sets of skeletal Elizabethan buildings evoke the town.