Ault's aim was to challenge the conventional claim about Elizabethan poetry that "After Wyatt and Surrey, nothing; then Sidney and the giants."
Before entering the program, Brewer had known no more about managing assets than he had about Elizabethan poetry, Devera only a little more.
The final lines of the poem is a response to questions found within Elizabethan poetry, including Christopher Marlowe's "Come live with me and be my love":
He was a prolific author of articles and books on Elizabethan poetry, broadside ballads, and Romantic poets.
He also translated Elizabethan poetry and the plays of Christopher Fry.
It's takes a long time to be even moderately well informed about Elizabethan poetry, but one conclusion I have reached is that it ain't what conventional wisdom says it is.
The American critic Yvor Winters suggested in 1939, an alternative canon of Elizabethan poetry.
A former scholar of Elizabethan poetry, Dr. Varmus was not satisfied simply as an English major, nor as merely the discoverer of cancer-causing oncogenes.
English Renaissance poetry after the Elizabethan poetry can be seen as belonging to one of three strains; the Metaphysical poets, the Cavalier poets and the school of Spenser.
Dictionaries had not yet solidified spelling and meaning, and sometimes Elizabethan poetry seems to be possessed of a great unrefined power.