A 15-year-old youth was fatally stabbed while walking with two friends down Barnwell Avenue in the Elmhurst section of Queens last night, the police said.
From 1982 to 1989, immigrants to the Elmhurst section of Queens alone came from 112 different countries, Mr. Vardy said.
Barrier was born and raised in the Elmhurst section of Queens, He played trumpet and drums throughout high school, and later switched to experimenting with turntables prior to graduation.
Take the case of the parking garage for Elmhurst Hospital Center, at Broadway and 41st Avenue in the Elmhurst section of western Queens.
Settling in the Elmhurst section of Queens, she took jobs as a beautician, home attendant, waitress, maid and seamstress to help provide a home and pay for her son's medical bills.
It was located on Broadway between Cornish and Whitney Avenues in the Elmhurst section of Queens, New York City.
An 88-year-old woman was attacked Friday night and left to die in her house in the Elmhurst section of Queens, the police said.
Two armed men robbed two armored car guards of $52,000 at a Dunkin' Donuts parking lot in the Elmhurst section of Queens last night, the police said.
The child was identified as Michael Kandathil, who lived at 42-64 Hampton Street in the Elmhurst section of Queens.
Officials said Mr. Shaikh's last known address was in the Elmhurst section of Queens.