The characters, Jake and Elwood Blues, were created by Belushi and Aykroyd in performances on Saturday Night Live.
He also hosts the nationally-syndicated radio show House of Blues Radio Hour under his Blues Brothers moniker Elwood Blues.
In this sequel, Elwood Blues (Mr. Aykroyd), released from prison after 18 years, sets out to reconstitute the Blues Brothers Band.
When they are flattered by the Axe Gang advisor, one of them answers "Strictly speaking we're just musicians", similar to a line by Elwood Blues.
Canadian-born Hollywood actor Dan Aykroyd, who is also known for his Blues Brothers persona "Elwood Blues" has called the group an "amazing blues band".
As a baby, Elwood Blues was abandoned at a newspaper stand.
Elwood Blues was first played by Dan Aykroyd, in his radio program on Blues music.
He used the alias Elwood Blues.
In the film, it is described as a used Mount Prospect police car that replaced a Cadillac, which Elwood Blues traded for a microphone.
Blues Brothers 2000 (Elwood Blues)