However, their alternate route through Emigration Canyon slowed them down even more.
Benjamin Johnson was in his field when he saw a company of argonauts roll from Emigration Canyon.
The company chose to use the Hastings Cutoff passing through modern-day Emigration Canyon.
After exiting Emigration Canyon and cresting a small hill, he asked to look out of the wagon.
It is located at the mouth of Emigration Canyon.
Emigration Canyon was declared a National Historic Landmark in 1961.
To cap this already heady day, Pratt discovered the fresh track of a buffalo in what now is called Little Emigration Canyon.
To the south and east, Emigration Canyon and the Wasatch Range are visible.
Red and white sandstone came from quarries in Emigration Canyon.
Initially, heavy wagons were used for hauling sandstone out of Emigration Canyon into the city.