That law had been enacted over fifty years earlier, by Emperor Leo, precisely in order to prevent public officials and landowners from becoming too powerful.
The Emperor Leo confronted the second force at Akroinon.
In the early 9th century, when Emperor Leo the Wise (r. 886-912) finally abolished consular dating with Novel 94.
He clashed with Emperor Leo the Armenian, who was instituting a policy of iconoclasm.
Emperor Leo deposed Germanos as patriarch soon afterwards.
Emperor Leo the Wise underlines the importance of horses to their military tactics.
Emperor Leo soon raised it and its surrounding region to a kleisoura.
Barely a month and a half after Emperor Leo's death, the plot was discovered.
Emperor Leo wrote him, asking his advice regarding the Council of Chalcedon.
Emperor Leo, pressed at the same time by the Arabs in the East, accepted his demand.