They all beat a prudent retreat to the corridor before the Emperor could change his mind.
Rapp told me that as soon as the young officer had left the Emperor all at once changed his tone.
Opponents counter that the Emperor could not change Church Law by his own decision; instead, an act in ecclesiastical synods or councils would have been needed.
Emperor He of Han changed the proportion to one candidate for every 200,000 residents, and one for every 100,000 residents in ethnic minority regions.
Japan adopted a parliamentary-based political system, while the Emperor changed to symbolic status.
Even the Emperor cannot change that.
And I know better than to waste my time trying to persuade the Emperor to change his plans.
When the Emperor changed his mind and recalled his forces, the Pope determined to march south without them.
It was pure fantasy' the Emperor would never change his mind.
Even though the Emperor changed from being a god to a human being, he did not take responsibility as a human being should have done at the time.